Monday, 17 August 2015

The Silent Hearer Challenge

The Silent Hearer Challenge ~ Spend 15 to 30 minutes with someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Hearing Challenged aka a Silent Hearer and discover what life like be like in their Silence. 

Post a picture of you and that person on your Social Media profile and/or share a brief write up about what you learned in those precious minutes of their Silence. Share and spread the word and discover the sound of our silence! ‪#‎SilentHearer‬

Silent Hearer Challenge

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Silent Hearer First Live Interview Success

On August 2nd, 2015 I entered the studio of Conversation with Selwyn for my first ever live interview and I was a nervous wreck, but I enjoyed my time on air with talk show host Selwyn Collins the host of  the popular talk show - Conversation with Selwyn As It Is based in Brooklyn, New York!

Conversation with Selwyn - CWS was designed to create a virtual village square, a place where people can come together and discuss matters including the arts, music, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It airs on Sundays from 4pm EST live on and features various guests discussing topics of interest. 

My book, Silent Hearer, appealed to Selwyn and he graciously invited me to discuss all about the book and how my story can help others out there who may or may not be Silent Hearers to raise above their challenges.

Even though I was a little nervous Selwyn's professional attitude put me at ease and I was told that I did an awesome job on the show. Phew! I am looking forward to sharing the interview excerpts with you in the near future and a heartfelt thanks to Selwyn for having me and thanks to all my fans and supporters for the encouragement!

If you know of anyone who would like to have me in for an interview and more about my book Silent Hearer, please contact me. xxxsilenthearer@gmail.comxxx (remove the X’s which are there to prevent Spam). The book is available now at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon. You can also order copies via my author website. It would be a perfect gift to motivate someone!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

My First Radio Interview

Getting ready for my first radio interview tomorrow August 2nd, 2015 and I am nervous as well as super excited.  There is nothing like sharing your story personally knowing that others are listening in. It is my hope that I can use my personal life story to encourage others to raise above their challenges and know that they can do anything they make up their mind to.

This will be broadcast tomorrow at 4pm EST live on CWS AS IT IS  Conversation with Selwyn) . looking forward to answering your questions about what it is like to be a Silent Hearer