Friday, 30 October 2015

A Novelist Book Review of Silent Hearer

 A review by Harold A. Bascom
Guyanese Novelist, Playwright, & Artist

SILENT HEARER by Ms. Marcia is a jewel; it is also, however, the promise of a priceless diamond. There’s a word that has been used to often in reviews, it has grown into a cliché: poignant. It means moving —emotional —touching —distressing …sad. And Ms. Shury’s journey fits that word: poignant …from that moment of her teacher’s suspicion that she had a hearing problem—through to the hard realization that it was so; and the vicissitudes of her life as a hearing impaired child, girl, and woman, can all be summed up into that one word: poignant. 

But it was a journey too short—much, much too short, complete with two-page chapters. I felt this book comprises the bound sketch-notes for a greater volume yet to come. One hundred and three pages could easily have been three times that amount. I feel this humble tome that comp[rtises of autobiographical notes that tease without fulfilling that desire to know more—to understand more—to flesh out more, hold the promise of a very strong and moving first novel to come.

Maybe Marcia Shury—like many young writers, was in a rush to publish. But there is time, my dear. As an experienced director of dramas, I read this book, and like watching a talented actress give just a fraction of her depth, I shouted in my mind, “CUT—CUT!”

And this is me sighing and saying to that actress. “Take your time… dig deeper—do not be afraid to flesh out everything…”

And to you, Marcia S. Shury, I say the same: “Take your time, and let’s do another take. ‘Silent Hearer’ is merely the seed of a literary promise. Do a rewrite—dig deeper—flesh out everything and everyone! Make it into an awesome tree—an oak huge and awesome. You can!” 

But small as this book is, ONE THING IS REQUIRED of you, dear, reader: READ IT!!!

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